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Articles on United States

Displaying 161 - 180 of 963 articles

A U.S. Air Force jet performs a test drop of a B61-12 bomb in December 2021. That bomb can contain a nuclear warhead for use in wartime. Los Alamos National Laboratory

What countries have nuclear weapons, and where are they?

Both the Russian and US arsenals boast thousands of nuclear weapons, located in various places around their own countries and, for the US, in Europe as well.
A burned ‘Caution: Children at play’ sign remained after a wildfire devastated the town of Berry Creek, Calif., in 2020. Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

US climate risks are rising – a scientist looks at the dangers her children will have to adapt to, from wildfires to water scarcity

The author’s 9-year-old son will likely face about four times as many extreme events in his lifetime as older adults today. An international report explains the impacts already being felt.

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