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Articles on Abortion

Displaying 301 - 320 of 398 articles

Pope Paul VI banned contraception for Catholics in the 1968 encyclical, “Humanae Vitae.” AP Photo/Jim Pringle

How the Catholic Church came to oppose birth control

July marks 50 years of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical prohibiting contraceptive use. For many years prior to it, the church had not been so explicit on its stance. How did it become such a thorny issue?
Pro-life and pro-choice protesters rallied outside the U.S. Supreme Court in June. REUTERS/Toya Sarno Jordan

How Roe v. Wade changed the lives of American women

Over the past 45 years, women have married later, attained higher education and joined the workforce in record numbers. Could it all be turned back?
People dressed as sperm cells at Papal Nuncio building in The Hague for the sixth birthday of the encyclical, ‘Humanae Vitae.’ Nationaal Archief

How Catholic women fought against Vatican’s prohibition on contraceptives

On the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, an encyclical released by Pope Paul VI calling for prohibition on contraceptive use, a scholar describes the struggles of Catholic women, as well as their activism.
President Donald Trump with televangelist Rev. Pat Robertson. AP Photo/Steve Helber

How Christian media is shaping American politics

In recent years, Christian television has moved into news and politics. A scholar explains its impact on beliefs and on politics.
Some 200,000 Argentinean women marched on March 8 for International Women’s Day. Many proclaimed their support for legalizing abortion. AP Photo/Tomas F. Cuesta

Argentina’s abortion legalization debate ignites soul searching on women’s rights

A new bill that would legalize abortion in Argentina has spurred surprise debate on the gender pay gap, parental leave and political representation. Will Argentinean women finally get their due?
Women protest outside a courtroom in San Salvador in 2017, demanding the government free women prisoners who are serving 30-year prison sentences for having an abortion. (AP Photo/Salvador Melendez)

The unspeakable cruelty of El Salvador’s abortion laws

Pregnant teens take their own lives, raped children are denied abortions and women who suffer stillbirth are imprisoned for 30 years – El Salvador’s torturous anti-abortion regime must end.
In this 2012 photo, a midwife holds a newborn baby boy she has just delivered by flashlight in Guinea-Bissau. The African country is one of the deadliest places in the world to give birth, with a high rate of maternal death. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

The truth about maternal death

It’s not just women in impoverished countries dying in childbirth. The maternal death rate in both Canada and the U.S. has risen, particularly among Indigenous and African-American women.

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