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Articles on Archeology

Displaying 61 - 80 of 102 articles

Digging in Traders Cave in the iconic Niah Caves archaeological complex. Darren Curnoe excavates while Roshan Peiris observes. (Photo: Mhd. S. Sauffi/Darren Curnoe) Author provided

We found evidence of early humans in the jungles of Borneo

From the tropics of Borneo, Darren Curnoe posted a daily diary sharing his team’s dig to explore ancient cemeteries. Through two metres of clay, human bones and tools were discovered.
Mungo Man finally returns to where he was found in the Mungo National Park. Office of Environment and Heritage/J Spencer

Mungo Man returns home: there is still much he can teach us about ancient Australia

The remains of the first known Australian, Mungo Man, begin their journey home today. Scientists hope they’ll still get a chance to study the ancient remains, working with the Traditional Owners.
In this 2013 photo, a resident of Tijuana, Mexico, holds onto the bars that make up the border wall separating the U.S. and Mexico near San Diego. President Donald Trump is proposing to dramatically expand the wall. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File)

How walls like Trump’s destroy the past and threaten the future

Donald Trump’s proposed border wall will destroy historic and ancient sites, violate the rights of Indigenous populations and cause misery to those seeking a better life. What’s more? It won’t work.
The 2016 Standing Rock protest was only the most recent manifestation of the indigenous American values inherited by European settlers on this land. James MacPherson

Indigenous people invented the so-called ‘American Dream’

Anti-immigrant policies ignore that American ideals like liberty, equality and the pursuit of happiness can be traced back to the indigenous pioneers who once moved freely across North America.
Footpaths in Japan are built with bumpy guide-strips so vision impaired pedestrians can get around with ease.

The archaeology of polite society

From high chairs in public bathrooms to handbag baskets in cafes, Japan is a considerate place. Australia can learn from a society where material culture acts as a reminder to be aware of the needs of others.

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