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Articles on China

Displaying 2081 - 2100 of 2606 articles

US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi have seen quantitative easing pay off, but what about on the way out? David Stubbs/Reuters

The quantitative easing experiment is ending in global recession

The biggest factor behind the recessionary trend is not the Chinese market, austerity budgets, or even the threat of higher US interest rates this year.
EPA/Wang Qingqin

China: taking history seriously

Many people outside China find it hard to understand its obsession with history. Appropriately enough, however, a little historical context can help to explain this. China has had more recorded history…
New Delhi’s Yamuna River, like much of India’s water, is polluted. The world urgently needs low-carbon ways to clean things up. EPA/Harish Tyagi

Let’s make sure that cleaning up the world’s water doesn’t send our climate targets down the gurgler

Much of the world still lacks access to proper sanitation and clean water - an issue that needs urgent action. But without low-carbon technologies, clean water could come at the expense of the climate.
In preparation for China’s commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war, a couple in Luoyang, Henan province, re-enacts the famous photograph taken in New York’s Times Square on V-J Day. Reuters

On our side: remembering the national and international in China’s war

It would be wrong to see China’s role in the second world war as a story of the powerful West coming to the rescue of a hapless Chinese nation.
Australia’s traditional reliance on multilateralism and alliances won’t be enough to negotiate the geopolitical rivalries of the Asian century. EPA/Barbara Walton

In Australia’s third century after European settlement, we must rethink our responses to a new world

For the past two centuries, Australia got many of the big calls on global engagement right. In our third century, there are worrying signs that we have not fully grasped what the rise of Asia means.
Africa needs to support small and medium-sized enterprises across the value chain of the agribusiness sector. Reuters/Noor Khamis

What Africa can learn from China about growing its agribusiness sector

Over the past 60 years, China has experimented extensively with policies and programmes to encourage the growth of rural enterprises. Africa could do well by following in these footsteps.
AAP/Lukas Coch

Trade with China and the national interest

Trade policy is usually the eye-glazing preserve of policy wonks and public officials. Suddenly, however, it’s the epicentre of a debate that tells us much about the difficulties facing political parties…
A cleaner walks past a promotional poster at an Africa Development bank meeting in Shanghai. Western perceptions of China’s investments in Africa are off the mark. Reuters/Nir Elias

Shedding fresh light on China’s investment choices in Africa

Contrary to Western views, China is in Africa for business. Between 1998 and 2012, about 2000 Chinese firms invested in 49 countries on the African continent.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott watches the signing of the free trade agreement with China, which he now accuses Labor of opposing for ‘racist’ reasons. Reuters/Lukas Coch

Playing the race card in the China trade deal debate

Charges of racism against Labor for querying aspects of the free trade deal with China are a mark of how much Australian attitudes have changed and how adversarial politics fuels hyperbolic attacks.
Reuters/Jason Lee

China’s receding regional ambitions?

Few would disagree with the idea that China is a rising power with great international ambitions. For many policymakers, commentators and citizens in China, restoring its greatness and accustomed centrality…
Rumours are swirling around Bangkok about who’s behind the bombings, which make it even more unlikely democracy will be restored any time soon. EPA/Diego Azubel

Divided Thai nation vulnerable to violence on multiple fronts

Thailand has enough of its own political enemies, both internally and externally, that will likely be considered as the investigation into a pair of bombings continues.

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