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Articles on Empathy

Displaying 61 - 80 of 161 articles

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa and German chancellor Angela Merkel have shown good leadership in the fight against COVID-19. GCIS

What sets good and bad leaders apart in the coronavirus era

It is no accident that those leaders who have responded worst to this crisis have also been the main sources of countless conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker is near tears as he thanked the Kraft family for flying desperately needed protective masks from China to Boston in a New England Patriots jet, April 1, 2020. Getty/Jim Davis/The Boston Globe

Leaders’ empathy matters in the midst of a pandemic

Leaders who exude empathy in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis are experiencing surges in popularity. President Donald Trump’s apparent lack of empathy is becoming a campaign issue.
Essential workers expose themselves to the coronavirus every day. zoranm/Getty Images

Lead with empathy during the COVID-19 crisis

The coronavirus pandemic is a stressful time for everyone. Here are some ways employers can help their employees through this crisis.
You can’t threaten or humiliate a virus. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

When confronting the coronavirus, tough isn’t enough

The ‘tough guy’ is a cultural archetype that political leaders have long adopted. But during crises, Americans tend to look for a different kind of hero.
The global water crisis means scientists face urgent decisions on how to foster water managers’ care. Here, the North Saskatchewan River with the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park. (Shutterstock)

Water-sharing experiment suggests people put their own survival first

Imagining how to increase water managers’ empathy for others in a holistic way is critical for our human and planetary future.

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