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Articles on Foreign exchange

Displaying 1 - 20 of 33 articles

Kristalina Georgieva, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, speaking in Senegal in 2019. Photo by Seyllou/AFP via Getty Images

When the IMF comes to town: why they visit and what to watch out for

The IMF sends its staff on two types of mission to member countries: to assess the state of the country’s macro economy or to assess the need for financial support.
The University of California-Mexico Initiative Education Working Group created Project SOL, an online curriculum program that teaches students in their native language. University of California, Riverside

The US and Mexico: Education and understanding

Despite hard work by both governments to overcome mistrust, more is needed to build mutual understanding between Americans and Mexicans. Educational partnerships may hold the answer.
if you like to drink (or sell) German beer, higher rates are a wonderful thing. Matthias Schrader/AP Photo

Why higher interest rates should make you happy

While borrowers may not be thrilled by the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise rates, many of us have plenty of reason to celebrate.

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