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Articles on Gig economy

Displaying 141 - 155 of 155 articles

Cafes might have hosted work for centuries but are they the best place for gig workers to do their thing? TOLGA BOZOGLU/EPA

What workspaces are the best for freelance workers?

When it comes to gig workers, research says it’s better to work with others and in the same place everytime.
Labour force surveys and the Census just aren’t getting it right when it comes to the crucial task of measuring employment. Census WA/AAP

We need to find new ways to measure the Australian labour force

The ABS’ labour force survey is more than 50 years old. We need a new way of measuring employment for a new modes of work.
The Collective Old Oak co-living block in London has more than 500 apartments with bedrooms and bathrooms. All other spaces are shared. David Hawgood/Geograph

Reinventing density: co-living, the second domestic revolution

While some forms of co-living seek to match modern lifestyles and a desire to downsize, other profit-driven models simply exploit a lack of affordable housing alternatives.
Under the NDIS there are risks for the carers people with a disability employ. Dave Hunt/AAP

New risks for disability care workers under the NDIS

The roll out of the NDIS means disability service providers and the people they employ are exposed to more market forces and this could result in protection for workers.
At the moment there is official classification for gig work, like the type uber drivers do. Reynaldo Vasconcelos/Newzulu

Workers are taking on more risk in the gig economy

Workers in the gig economy have to deal with labour insecurity but they also take on more risk by using their own money to buy the tools they need to work.
The Productivity Commission report is not a comprehensive plan of what government should do about digital disruption.

Digital disruption: STEM graduates and more regulation not the answer

A Productivity Commission report on digital disruption argues that government’s should stop creating barriers to innovation but it fails to provide solutions on privacy and ownership of data.
Neoliberal policies have given way to resentment toward immigrants in Germany and other European countries. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

European data suggests the gig economy helped create Trump, Sanders

Why are populist candidates all the rage this year in the race for the White House? Recent research from Harvard and BU links it to the market economy and a similar trend in Europe.
Uber drivers gather outside Uber San Diego to protest against a 30% driver fee cut. Wayne S. Grazio/Flickr

Three things unions can learn from Uber drivers

Unions are in a self-described crisis. The well-known tale of union decline in Australia continues with the latest figures revealing less than 15% of workers are members of unions, with that dropping to…

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