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Articles on Health data

Displaying 61 - 65 of 65 articles

Tim Kelsey doesn’t want you to worry about your data. Policy Exchange

FoI reveals cynical logic that compromises NHS data privacy

It’s crunch time for the UK government’s controversial scheme, which has been postponed for the second time. A new advisory panel is starting work this week to try to work out how to get this…
Can you ever be anonymous in your doctor’s surgery if your doctor isn’t? MTSOfan

Your NHS data is completely anonymous – until it isn’t

The debate about uploading nearly all data from UK medical practices to a national database continues to cause concern. Responding to fears that the information held in the database will put…
NHS systems are groaning under the weight of big data and that’s bad for patients. Trevor Pritchard

Outdated laws put your health data in jeopardy

Given the heightened sense of concern about our personal data following the Edward Snowden revelations, it probably isn’t the best time for the NHS to ask us for more. So it simply hasn’t bothered asking…
You’re producing a lot of useful data but would you know what do with it? altemark

The trials and tribulations of giving back your data

Living in the age of data – whether big or small – certainly has its benefits for businesses and governments. Consumers, however, might be excused for feeling like they are being carried along without…
Recent ABS data showed rates of unhealthy weight ranges in children plateaued between 2007 to 2012.

Too early to proclaim the end of the war on childhood obesity

Parents winning childhood war on obesity, Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals, screamed the headline. Sounds like a good news story to make every parent breathe a sigh of relief, but is it really…

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