We’re being tracked, targeted and profiled by businesses and data brokers. A new report on consumer data handling shows we need an urgent update of privacy laws.
An investigation has revealed that French tech firms, seeking to create an AI “à la française”, have turned to one of the country’s former colonies, Madagascar, for low-cost labour.
It’s still fashionable today to promote tech startups and tech hubs based on models from the global north. But new, alternative and more sustainable models might be emerging.
Whereas digital work can bring freedom and flexibility into the lives of workers in Africa, it can also contribute towards their precarity and vulnerability.
Masud Ibrahim, AAM University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development and Robert E. Hinson, University of Ghana
The introduction of these technologies in Ghana has created an enabling platform for consumers to use their mobile phones to pay for goods and services
Digital technologies like artificial intelligence and wireless networks will be crucially important for Australia’s economy. A new report urges the government to invest strongly in our digital future.
There is a growing mismatch between what education and training provide and the skills needed in workplaces being reshaped by the digital economy. Advanced apprenticeships can help close the gap.
Teaching children digital literacy skills is essential to help them learn how to navigate and respond to misinformation. It also helps them grow into adults who can participate in digital democracy.