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Articles on International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Displaying 201 - 218 of 218 articles

Spain’s Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, is under pressure to formally request a bailout from the European Central Bank. AAP

Spain at the crossroads: should it opt for a bailout?

Up until fairly recently, Spain was a story of economic success. It was an example of how the periphery of Europe was quickly catching up with the core. Between 1995 and 2007, Spanish real GDP grew at…
Greece’s New Democracy party leader Antonis Samaras has gained sufficient votes to form a coalition - but there is a long way to go for Greeks yet. AAP

Greece stays with austerity, but scenarios abound

Greece’s New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras begins the task of building a coalition after emerging as the front runner to form a government. Reports indicate New Democracy has narrowly beaten leftist…
Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) party, has proposed the cancellation of Greece’s agreements with the European Union and the IMF. AAP

With Europe at debt’s door, the future hinges on Greece’s election result

All eyes are on Greece this weekend for the second legislative election in five weeks. This is no ordinary election: the global implications of the outcome might be significant. Griffith University lecturer…
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy: banks are bailed, but just a brief respite? AAP

Spanish bailout buys time for eurozone - but only a little

The positivity off the weekend’s news that Spain’s banks will receive rescue loans of up to 100 billion euros from eurozone finance ministers appears short-lived. Despite it being well-received in Asian…
IMF head Christine Lagarde sees some positives in global economic growth: but we should be wary of broad projections. AAP

Trouble lurks for Australia amid shallow economic forecasts

The recent economic forecasts of the IMF and OECD about prospects for economic growth remind me of an aphorism about the economist who drowned while crossing a river he estimated that was, on average…
Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa: the building BRICS of a new world order in economics and foreign aid. Blog do Planalto

BRICS and foreign aid: new challenges amid a changing economic order

On 29 March, the BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – will meet in New Delhi for their fourth annual summit. Representing 40% of the global population, 25% of global GDP, and…
Not so funny…. Portugal is the next vulnerable Euro nation, but it doesn’t fit the German-favoured critique of a profligate country unwilling to undertake reforms. AAP

After the Greek rescue package: will Portugal be the next to fall?

Greece is rescued, for now…maybe. Perhaps it’s time to move on to the next basket case. So, which of the PIIGS is the next Greece? For the moment, Portugal looks to be the front-runner. The country’s public-debt-to-GDP…
BRIC countries want a say on who will replace departing World Bank chief, Robert Zoellick. AAP

Life after Zoellick: will there be a new world order at the World Bank?

When World Bank President Robert Zoellick announced his resignation last week, a surprising number of names emerged as contenders for the Bank’s top job. Zoellick’s resignation doesn’t come into effect…
Celebrating: after being seen as a basket case for so long, Brazil’s economy is now powering. AAP

Brazil and Australia: the rise of the southern hemisphere powers

Few countries have been left unscathed by the global financial crisis and it seems that they are all situated in the southern hemisphere. Brazil and Australia are some of them. Recently, their economies…
Is a partial default one of the steps to recovery for Greece? AAP

Defend or default? It’s the three trillion euro question

Will Greece default and exit the Eurozone? The best-case scenario is a managed, orderly, partial default with the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), a fund created in 2010 to manage Eurozone…
World Bank chief Robert Zoellick and IMF head Christine Lagarde have doubts about global growth. AAP

Spooking the markets: should financial leaders keep quiet during crises?

Global markets have tumbled again this week, following the downgrading of Italy’s debt rating and a series of negative comments from leaders of the world’s financial institutions. International Monetary…
The Dominique Strauss-Kahn case has polarised opinions in France. AAP

How the French are seeing the DSK saga

Since news of the controversial rape case involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn (quickly dubbed “Affaire DSK”) broke in May, the focus of the French media and French political class has been firmly fixed on…
Can the IMF’s new head, Christine Lagarde restore much-needed confidence in the euro? AAP

Will Christine Lagarde break the mould at the IMF?

Quelle surprise. French finance minister Christine Lagarde has been announced as the new managing director of the IMF, succeeding the beleaguered Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Like Strauss-Khan (known as ‘DSK…
Mexico’s Agustin Carstens is expected to lose out to France’s Christine Lagarde. AAP

A lost opportunity for IMF reform?

The International Monetary Fund executive board will complete interviews of the two leading candidates to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn this week, with the aim of picking a new managing director by June…
Greece would be better off defaulting on its debt than languishing under tough austerity measures. AAP

A Greek debt default wouldn’t be a tragedy

A poll of international investors last month found that 85% expect Greece to default on its debt this year. As market expectations go, that is very high. Moody’s has since downgraded Greece’s already abysmal…
Christine Lagarde is the favourite to become the IMF’s new chief. AAP

Fund and games: loosening Europe’s grip on the IMF

Speculation last week that Paul Keating and Peter Costello could nominate for the top job at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was a mere distraction, but the hoopla did manage to highlight a crucial…

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