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Articles on Standard & Poor's

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Even the big, bad Wall Street bull is scared of inflation. AP Photo/Richard Drew

Why does inflation make stock prices fall?

While many market observers blame growing concerns about inflation for the stock market crash, the real culprit may be fears that the economy is about to slow.
Inflation may be a bull market’s greatest enemy. AP Photo/Richard Drew

Stocks hate inflation – here’s why

While many market observers blame the growing threat of inflation for the stock market crash, the real culprit may be concerns that the economy is about to slow.
Will investors continue to give Trump a vote of confidence? Richard Drew/AP Photo

Will the ‘Trump rally’ continue through 2017?

A common Wall Street adage claims: ‘As January goes, so goes the year.’ What does that mean for investors as stocks look set to end President-elect Trump’s first month in office higher?
Credit rating agencies often elicit criticism when they downgrade countries. EPA/Justine Lane

Q&A: why credit rating agencies matter for developing countries

Credit rating agencies have come in for a lot of flack. But the bottom line is that to attract investors with deep pockets countries can’t avoid having a credit rating. And a good one at that.
Subprime ratings have come back to haunt Standard and Poor’s, which is now facing civil action from the US government. AAP

US government’s lawsuit against S&P puts ratings agencies back in the spotlight

Five billion dollars is a lot of money — and that is the amount which the US Justice Department claims were losses incurred by US banks and credit unions from investing in CDOs rated by Standard &…
Demonstrators in front of Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency offices in Paris 15 January 2012. AAP

Why we should be wary of ratings agencies

For decades, credit ratings agencies were largely ignored by the masses, but in recent months they have continued to hit the headlines again and again. The big three (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and…

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