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Articles sur Abortion

Affichage de 361 à 380 de 396 articles

The risk of a woman dying from a road accident is approximately 25 times that of death from a pill-related clot. epSos .de/Flickr

Don’t panic about the pill – it’s safer than driving to work

Newer contraceptive pills pose a higher risk of serious blood clots, says a study published in the BMJ today. The finding isn’t new, but it may be cause for a different kind of concern.
Belfast bakery or political hot potato? Brian Lawless/PA

Explainer: Northern Irish politics

At least one party in the UK’s most overlooked region could make or break this election. It’s time to swot up on the local scene.
Opposing this law change is not anti-feminist. shutterstock

Why I oppose a ban on sex-selection abortion

A campaign is underway in the UK to make it illegal to abort a child based on its gender. Proponents say they are worried about women being coerced into terminating female foetuses and that action needs…
The consequences of fetal personhood on women’s rights in pregnancy and childbirth, and for abortion, are uncertain. SIOBHAN MARREN/AAP

Zoe’s Law could take NSW backwards in women’s rights

A bill due to be debated in the upper house of the NSW Parliament will bestow legal personhood to fetuses of 20 weeks or more for the purpose of grievous bodily harm offences in the Crimes Act, if passed…
Research that found links between abortion and breast cancer also found men who had ‘much opportunity to participate in parties’ were more likely to have stomach cancer. burningmax/Flickr

Abortions don’t cause cancer any more than parties do

The purported link between abortion and breast cancer is based on research that’s no longer accepted as valid because its methods are so flawed. But that hasn’t stopped politicians such as Fred Nile and…
Pro-choice campaigners make their feelings known at a protest in 2013. Niall Carson/Press Association Images

Time for constitutional change on abortion in Ireland

The high-profile case of a young woman forced to give birth in Ireland has highlighted the realities of Ireland’s recently introduced Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 – a law designed to regulate…
Stalemate. We need a bioethicist. Donchiefnerd

Mistakes in moral reasoning are as lethal as medical errors

Ethical issues are rife in medicine. Arguments about abortion, organ donation and euthanasia regularly take their turn in the headlines, normally prompted by media scare-stories or an arising controversy…
Campaigners outside the Victorian parliament in the run-up to the 2008 reform of state’s abortion law, which is under fire. AAP Image/Mariza O'Keefe

Doctors’ moral objections don’t justify denying abortion access

Abortion in Australia is governed by varied state-based laws. Despite the clear requirement for doctors with conscientious objection not to block access to abortion, this aspect of some state laws has…
The High Court may be forced to decide on the constitutionality of Tasmania’s abortion protest law. Alex Guibord

Tasmania’s abortion protest law is probably constitutionally valid

Earlier this week, constitutional law academic Michael Stokes predicted the High Court of Australia would overturn new Tasmanian legislation banning anti-abortion lobbyists from protesting within 150 metres…
The legislation prohibits protests within 150 metres of an abortion clinic that are able to be seen or heard by a person accessing the clinic. AAP/Mariza O'Keefe

Tasmanian ban on abortion clinic protests may not be constitutionally valid

Tasmania’s abortion law reform bill, which passed late last week, decriminalises abortion and obligates medical practitioners with a conscientious objection to abortion to provide information about access…
Aborting a foetus just because of its sex seems repugnant to most of us. Shutterstock

What should we do about sex-selective abortion?

A Melbourne doctor is being investigated by the medical professional standards body for refusing to refer a woman to another GP after she sought an abortion. The case raises important questions about doctors…

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