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Articles sur Cars

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Taking the drive out of the car will change the transportation industry. Shutterstock/Rob d

The winners and losers in the race for driverless cars

It’s a race that’s pitting the motor industry against tech giants and even the ridesharing company Uber. But what will be the impact when driverless cars take to the roads?
Humans are still better than machines at driving in extreme weather conditions, for now. Flickr/Terence Lim

Driverless cars need to hit the road come rain, wind or shine

Driverless cars are the technology of the future, but unless they learn how to drive in rain and snow, they will be a technology that lets us down when we need it the most.
Airlines have saved energy by changing flight routes and modifying wings for better fuel use. Plane image from

Reducing energy use is a big winner for business and the climate

Companies could improve their profits 2-10% each year by saving energy, according to a world-first attempt to assess energy performance.

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