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Articles sur Fossils

Affichage de 281 à 300 de 394 articles

The author’s backpack was hiding this almost complete therapsid fossil. Was finding it all down to luck? Julien Benoit

When it comes to big finds, scientists need more than just luck and chance

Good science isn’t rooted in chance. It’s based on people with expertise being in the right place at the right time, equipped with enough knowledge to know what they’re looking at.
Trustees of the NHM, London

How to flat-pack a dinosaur

The Natural History Museum’s ‘Dippy’ the diplodocus skeleton is about to be become a giant 3D jigsaw.
Savannasaurus was pretty small, by titanosaur standards. Travis Tischler/Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History

Meet Savannasaurus, Australia’s newest titanosaur

Dinosaur bones unearthed at one of Australia’s richest fossil sites have introduced us to a new species: Savannasaurus, one of a family of huge dinosaurs that trekked here more than 100 million years ago.
Qilinyu, shown here front and top left, with its kin Entelognathus and small worm-like conodont animals swimming in the background. Dingua Yang/Inst. Vertebrate Palaeontology & Palaeoanthropology

Chew on this: we finally know how our jaws evolved

Next time you bite down on something you’re eating, spare a thought for the evolutioniary leap made by an ancient fish that gave rise to our jaws.

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