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Articles sur settler

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It’s been 75 years since Palestinians were first expelled from their homeland. Here, people from Tantura as they were relocated to Jordan, June 1948. (Benno Rothenberg/Meitar Collection/National Library of Israel/The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection)

Will a UN resolution to commemorate the expulsion of Palestinians from their lands change the narrative? — Listen

The UN’s resolution to recognize Nakba Day on May 15, to mark the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 1948, helps to acknowledge past traumas but does the resolution have other implications?
By identifying the need to tackle systemic discrimination instead of colonialism, Trudeau is reinforcing an established idea in Canadian politics: that colonialism is history. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Not in the past: Colonialism is rooted in the present

Narratives that historicize colonialism are not new. Canadians and our leaders have a long history of denying our settler colonial present.
South Asian immigration to Canada increased in the 70s and 80s. A picture circa 1975, taken in the Toronto neighbourhood of South Riverdale (‘Little India’). (City of Toronto Archives/Series 1465; Urban Design photographs)

Searching for anti-racism agendas in South Asian Canadian communities

The authors argue South Asian immigrants to Canada have become complicit in the state’s racial and capitalist agendas.
We need more positive Indigenous-settler alliances like the one with Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, which created 24 km Freedom Road to provide access to the Trans-Canada Highway. Here a teepee frame sits beside Shoal Lake. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods

How the COVID-19 crisis calls us towards reconciliation

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis could represent an opportunity to live up to all the recent talk of reconciliation in Canada.

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