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Articles on Refugees

Displaying 801 - 820 of 1216 articles

Asylum seekers at the Manus Regional Processing Centre in Papa New Guinea, one of Australia’s two offshore immigration detention facilities. AAP Image/Eoin Blackwell

European leaders taking cues from Australia on asylum seeker policies

Across Europe anti immigration political leaders are turning to Australia for inspiration on how to reduce the number of people seeking asylum in their countries.
Peter Dutton speaking at a media conference at Parliament House on Wednesday. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Refugee resettlement announcement expected within weeks

Peter Dutton’s Wednesday news conference was the predictable rant against Labor, but something else came through. The Immigration Minister is genuinely anxious to get the refugees off Nauru and Manus Island…
Bill Shorten called on the government to reveal the detail of any accompanying arrangements for resettling the Nauru and Manus people. Glenn Hunt/AAP

Shorten exploits the missing link in government’s visa ban plan

Shortly after Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton aggressively targeted Labor on Sunday when announcing the government’s latest draconian border deterrent, Turnbull rang Bill Shorten…
A relative of asylum seekers being held on Nauru cries at a press conference to launch an Amnesty International report. Reuters/David Gray

Robert Manne: How we came to be so cruel to asylum seekers

It has been the absolutism embedded in Australian immigration culture of control that helps explain our hardline policy history on asylum seekers.

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