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Articles on Children

Displaying 741 - 760 of 1058 articles

When President Bill Cllinton officially ended welfare as we knew it, he was flanked by women who had received Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Reuters/Stephen Jaffee

Welfare as we know it now: 6 questions answered

Trump’s rationale for cutting the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program rests on a myth at odds with contemporary data.
When played in moderation, electronic games can be beneficial for children’s learning and development. shutterstock

Electronic games: how much is too much for kids?

Low-to-moderate use of electronic games may have a positive effect on children’s later academic achievement, but overuse can be detrimental.
The edges of your lost tooth are sharp because when the root of the baby tooth is being eaten away, it tends to start from the middle of the root. That leaves a sharp edge behind when the tooth breaks off. Flickr/Stephanie Young

Curious Kids: My tooth fell out. Why is it so spiky on the bottom?

Nicholas, aged 6, was watching TV one day when his tooth fell out. He noticed that the bottom edge of the tooth was very spiky. Now he wants to know why.
Fresh Air host Mark Stucky of Newton, Kansas shook hands with Thomas Flowers from Gulfport, Mississippi, as Doris Zerger Stucky – Mark’s mother – watched in this 1960 photo. Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel, Kansas

The Fresh Air Fund’s complicated racial record

Many urban children who took part in a program that was supposed to enrich their lives dealt with racism instead. Why can’t this cultural exchange become a two-way street?

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