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Articles on Iran

Displaying 281 - 300 of 570 articles

Behrouz Kamalvandi, left, spokesman for Iran’s atomic energy agency, listens to a man wearing a surgical mask, an official with the Ahmadi Roshan nuclear site in Natanz, Iran, during a news conference on May 20, 2019. IRIB News Agency via AP

What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Here’s why it’s still important

Nearly 50 years old, the treaty has been signed by 190 countries – more than any other arms limitation treaty. But now Iran is threatening to withdraw.
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, leading the Eid al-Fitr prayer ceremony in Tehran in early June. Iranian Supreme Leader's Office/EPA

US-Iran tensions: no route for de-escalation in sight

Donald Trump stepped back from launching US airstrikes inside Iran, but the conflict is unabated and there appears to be no way out of confrontation for now.
Israel has a powerful air force — and it’s not afraid to strike neighbors it perceives as a national security threat. AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Israel could strike first as tensions with Iran flare

The US isn’t the only country considering a military response to Iranian aggression.
United Nations Security Council members listen to Iranian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Eshagh Al-Habib, left, during a meeting on Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement, Dec. 12, 2018, at UN headquarters. AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Nuclear weapons and Iran’s uranium enrichment program: 4 questions answered

Iran’s leaders are threatening to breach a 2015 agreement that froze their country’s nuclear program. What is uranium enrichment, and what would it mean for Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons?
Navy boats from the United Arab Emirates next to the Al Marzoqah of Saudi Arabia, one of several international oil tankers attacked in the Gulf in May 2019. The Saudi government has blamed Iran for acts of sabotage. Reuters/Satish Kumar

What does the Trump administration want from Iran?

A showdown with Iran over some oil tanker attacks in the Persian Gulf could push the US into its next Mideast war, writes a scholar of military aggression.
The USS Arlington – which is being sent to the Gulf as part of a naval strike group. David Hecker/EPA

Is a war coming between the US and Iran?

Both Iran and the US say they are not seeking a war, but it could happen by default.

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