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Todos os artigos de Academic dishonesty in Australia

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It’s impossible to compare student work against a database of sources because each pay-for plagiarised assignment is a bespoke creation. AAP/Alan Porritt

Policing won’t be enough to prevent pay-for plagiarism

We could be fooled into thinking pay-for plagiarism is a modern, high-tech invention. However, the internet merely supports the logistics.
Selling students short comes at an important time for higher education in Australia: funding uncertainties and questions over academic standards have never been more pronounced. from

Book review: Selling Students Short

Richard Hil’s Selling Students Short: Why You Won’t Get the Education You Deserve is a timely exposé of the difficult conditions facing students at Australia’s increasingly corporatised universities.
Have cheating and plagiarism increased in universities as a symptom of more international students or just of more students? Shutterstock

Biased reports on international students not helpful

While Four Corners shed some much-needed light on long-standing problems in higher education, these problems aren’t reserved for international students.
When thinking about academic standards, it’s important to think about the incentives to keep standards high - or low. from

The slide of academic standards in Australia: a cautionary tale

The recent furore about academic standards in Australian higher education – including Monday’s damning Four Corners expose – has the potential to bring not only desperately needed attention, but actual change, to the sector.
International students provide universities with a large chunk of their revenue - but at what cost? Faungg/Flickr

Australian unis should take responsibility for corrupt practices in international education

A new report from the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption says Australian universities have become increasingly reliant on income from fee-paying international students, and is letting academic standards slide for the valuable income stream.
One sure-fire way to make sure your students are completing their assessment for themselves is to make them perform practical work exercises rather than write essays. AAP/Dean Lewins

Buying essays: how to make sure assessment is authentic

The essay, as the primary form of assessment, should be dead. This is the kind of comment that terrifies academics everywhere – but it is an idea that I think we all need to consider. The “news” that there…

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