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Todos os artigos de low English proficiency

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Amid the debate about what languages should dominate at African schools, we’re missing an important point: why do we learn language in the first place? From

We need to remember why we teach and learn languages

There are two functions of language: communication and access to knowledge. Each must be pursued as an objective in its own right rather than being lumped together.
When thinking about academic standards, it’s important to think about the incentives to keep standards high - or low. from

The slide of academic standards in Australia: a cautionary tale

The recent furore about academic standards in Australian higher education – including Monday’s damning Four Corners expose – has the potential to bring not only desperately needed attention, but actual change, to the sector.
International students provide universities with a large chunk of their revenue - but at what cost? Faungg/Flickr

Australian unis should take responsibility for corrupt practices in international education

A new report from the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption says Australian universities have become increasingly reliant on income from fee-paying international students, and is letting academic standards slide for the valuable income stream.

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