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Todos os artigos de Academic standards

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Our uni teachers were already among the world’s most stressed. COVID and student feedback have just made things worse

Workplace stress among academics has long been higher in Australia and New Zealand than overseas, and research suggests the flow-on impacts on students could fuel a vicious cycle of negative feedback.
Universities are losing sight of their role as places of teaching and learning. Instead, they are becoming hugely stressed business enterprises. Shutterstock

South Africa’s universities risk becoming bureaucratic degree factories

When funding imperatives dominate universities’ strategies, higher education loses sight of the work it ought to be doing: developing graduates who can make a real difference in the world.
Selling students short comes at an important time for higher education in Australia: funding uncertainties and questions over academic standards have never been more pronounced. from

Book review: Selling Students Short

Richard Hil’s Selling Students Short: Why You Won’t Get the Education You Deserve is a timely exposé of the difficult conditions facing students at Australia’s increasingly corporatised universities.
Have cheating and plagiarism increased in universities as a symptom of more international students or just of more students? Shutterstock

Biased reports on international students not helpful

While Four Corners shed some much-needed light on long-standing problems in higher education, these problems aren’t reserved for international students.
When thinking about academic standards, it’s important to think about the incentives to keep standards high - or low. from

The slide of academic standards in Australia: a cautionary tale

The recent furore about academic standards in Australian higher education – including Monday’s damning Four Corners expose – has the potential to bring not only desperately needed attention, but actual change, to the sector.
International students provide universities with a large chunk of their revenue - but at what cost? Faungg/Flickr

Australian unis should take responsibility for corrupt practices in international education

A new report from the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption says Australian universities have become increasingly reliant on income from fee-paying international students, and is letting academic standards slide for the valuable income stream.

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