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Todos os artigos de Biological age

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While some people may be older in chronological age, their biological age might be much younger. FangXiaNuo/E+ via Getty Images

Aging is complicated – a biologist explains why no two people or cells age the same way, and what this means for anti-aging interventions

Aging is a culmination of factors spanning from your cells to your environment. A number of interconnected processes determine how quickly your body is able to repair and recover from damage.
Healthspan measures incorporate quality of life in ways that lifespan does not. Ira T. Nicolai/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Are you a rapid ager? Biological age is a better health indicator than the number of years you’ve lived, but it’s tricky to measure

Aging is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases. Figuring out what influences longevity and how to identify rapid agers could lead to healthier and longer lives for more people.
Monaco and Japan have some of the highest life expectancies in the world. But calculating an individual’s life expectancy will require taking data analysis several steps further. SHUTTERSTOCK

Don’t die wondering: apps may soon be able to predict your life expectancy, but do you want to know?

Predicting life expectancy remains in the realm of science fiction, but it may soon be possible. Are we prepared for such information? And who else would benefit from this knowledge?

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