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Todos os artigos de Climate change

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The Joides Resolution. Tim Fulton

Explorers probe hidden continent of Zealandia

We have better maps of the moon than Earth’s newest continent, Zealandia. That’s about to change as an international expedition probes the vast undersea plateau of continental crust.
The Day After Tomorrow’s apocalyptic depiction of climate change is a little embellished. But such storylines can ignite conversations with people that mainstream science fails to reach. 20th Century Fox

Can ‘cli-fi’ actually make a difference? A climate scientist’s perspective

Climate scientists often bombard their audiences with facts and figures - a method of communication that often doesn’t work. Perhaps this is where cli-fi can step in, with its compelling characters and just slightly embellished science.
City mayors have taken on a prominent role in committing to action on climate change through forums such as the C40. Henry Romero/Reuters

This is why we cannot rely on cities alone to tackle climate change

It’s a good thing that cities aspire to lead the way in acting on climate change in the absence of stronger national action. But a closer look reveals the limitations of current city-based efforts.
British actress Emma Watson was featured in Marie Claire’s sustainability issue: She wears only sustainable clothing on the red carpet. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

Your organic T-shirt is doomed to end up in a dump

Climate change needs to be front and centre in fashion, which is one of the most polluting industries. Fashion magazines can help consumers to embrace more sustainable lifestyles.
So large are the nation’s daily greenhouse gas emissions that if yours is a typical Australian lifestyle you’re contributing disproportionately to climate change. Carbon Visuals/flickr

How I came to know that I am a closet climate denier

It would take a lifestyle upheaval to drop most Australians’ household emissions to a sustainable level. Even many of us who urge equitable action on climate change act as if this doesn’t apply to us.
Two people walk down a flooded section of Interstate 610 in Houston in floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey on Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. AP Photo/David J. Phillip

Americans who live far from coasts should also be worried about flooding

As Hurricane Harvey shows, flooding can happen wherever large storms stall and dumps lots of rain. A new study finds that development is increasing in flood zones inland, where people may not think they are at risk.

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