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Todos os artigos de Computer science

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Researchers can program neural networks composed of artificial neurons to simulate language processing. Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

Bilingual people with language loss due to stroke can pose a treatment challenge – computational modeling may help clinicians treat them

Computational modeling can predict language therapy response in bilingual people with aphasia. In the future, this could help clinicians identify the best language for treatment.
Understanding how artificial intelligence algorithms solve problems like the Rubik’s Cube makes AI more useful. Roland Frisch via Wikimedia Commons

How explainable artificial intelligence can help humans innovate

AI algorithms can solve hard problems and learn incredible tasks, but they can’t explain how they do these things. If researchers can build explainable AI, it could lead to a flood of new knowledge.
Forty-seven states let computer science count in place of math or science classes required for high school graduation. Monkey Business Images/

Computer science now counts as math credit in most states – is this a good idea?

Most states have changed their rules in recent years to let computer science count as a required high school math or science class. A physics professor explains how that trend could set students back.
New data show more girls and minority students are taking advanced computer science courses in high school. Monkey Business Images/

Boost in high school students taking advanced computer science could change the face of tech

New data show more girls and minority high school students taking Advanced Placement courses in computer science. A computer science professor weighs in on what that means for the future of the field.
Truly learning to code involves more than episodic experiences. Students should ideally develop a ‘coding mindset.’ Nesa by makers/Unsplash

The promise of the “learn to code” movement

Learning to code is often presented as a solution to job market problems of the 21st century, but are students really learning the competencies they will need?

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