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Cogitive load theory explains why explicit guidance from teachers is more effective in teaching students new content and skills than letting them discover these for themselves. from

I had an idea in the 1980s and to my surprise, it changed education around the world

There are two types of knowledge – we’ve evolved to acquire the first naturally; we need schools for the second. Cognitive load theory explains how to teach knowledge we don’t automatically get.
There’s no use pretending the teacher doesn’t have more knowledge than everyone else in the room; this is the way it should be. from

Ignore the fads: teachers should teach and students should listen

Explicit instruction - where the teacher stands at the front of the class and teaches - is out of vogue with educators who prefer collaborative learning. But it’s really the only teaching style with proven results.
While the Direct Instruction approach is useful, it shouldn’t be used in isolation, and it won’t “fix” anything. AAP

‘Biggest Loser’ policy on literacy will not deliver long-term gains

Yesterday’s announcement of a $22 million grant for a Direct Instruction program - a direct method of teaching using lectures and demonstrations - to improve literacy outcomes for remote Indigenous children…

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