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Todos os artigos de Gay marriage

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Tasmania’s leadership on marriage equality is a good example of how distorted preconceptions about Tasmania obscure reality. Tasmanians United for Marriage Equality

Churning the mud: Tasmania’s fertile ground for legal and social reform

Is Tasmania at a tipping point? Over the past two weeks The Conversation, in conjunction with Griffith REVIEW and the University of Tasmania, has published a series of provocations. Our authors ask where…
Obama wove the story of gay rights into the language of America’s founding fathers during his inauguration speech. EPA/Shawn Thew

Obama inauguration speech: a historic moment for gay and lesbian equality

Much has been made of the fact President Obama became the first president to mention the word gay in an inaugural address. But the significance lies not in what he said but how he said it. In declaring…
A supporter of same-sex marriage holds a flag depicting two wedding bands outside Washington’s Supreme Court. EPA/Michael Reynolds

US Supreme Court wades into same-sex marriage debate

The United States Supreme Court has a history of playing a pivotal role in emotive cultural debates including, for example, abortion (Roe v Wade), racial segregation (Brown v Board of Education) and the…
Cory Bernardi making his now infamous comments on gay marriage in the Australian Senate last night. ABC News

Bernardi slips down the political slope with bestial comments on marriage

South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi’s comments about gay marriage have caused an uproar. Today he was forced to step down from his position as parliamentary secretary to Tony Abbott. But are they representative…
It’s not time to break out the confetti yet; Tasmania faces legal hurdles before it can allow same-sex marriage. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Explainer: can Tasmania legalise same-sex marriage?

Does the Tasmanian Parliament have the power to pass a law permitting same-sex marriage? The short answer is yes. But the more difficult question is whether that law will be effective or whether it will…
Joyous photos such as this one of Phyllis Siegel, 76, right, and Connie Kopelov, 84, marrying in New York could soon flood out of Tasmania. EPA/Michael Appleton

Tasmanian same-sex marriage push makes an honest nation of Australia

I personally experienced the full necessity for marriage equality only recently. In the sunny town of Lamego, Portugal, my dear friend Nina was married to her beloved Marcos. She was the first of my friends…
Being counted in the census for the first time is a milestone for gay and lesbian couples everywhere. multi.phrenic

Same-sex couples counted in the census … but some stay hidden

AUSTRALIA BY NUMBERS: The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released the first batch of its 2011 census data. We’ve asked some of the country’s top demographers and statisticians to crunch the numbers…
Sydney protesters rally for marriage equality (March 2012).

Marriage equality and same-sex parenting in Australia

A group of 150 doctors, called Doctors for the Family, have made a submission to the Senate inquiry into gay marriage which argues that children of same-sex parents suffer poorer health and well-being…
Doctors for the Family’s claims aren’t based on scientific evidence. flickr/Poes In Boots

Don’t believe the hype: kids with same-sex parents are well adjusted

“[T]he evidence is clear that children who grow up in a family with a mother and a father do better in all parameters than children without.” That’s according to the Doctors for the Family’s submission…
Barack Obama has sent a message to same-sex attracted people everywhere: “I’m in your corner”. ABC News

Barack speaks out on gay marriage … Julia, are you listening?

This morning my phone woke me earlier than usual with a text from one of my sons, who regularly taps into American politics in the middle of the night. “Obama has come out for gay marriage – how about…
Modern professionals have an opportunity to undo some of the hardships created by pathologizing same-sex attraction. stigeredoo

From homophobia to homophilia: the future face of medicine

Homophilia, a term once used to define “unnatural” relations between same-sex people in the early- to mid-20th century has been given a makeover. Urban gay communities around the world are using homophilia…
Senator for South Australia Cory Bernardi has attracted controversy with some of his right wing views.

In Conversation: Senator Cory Bernardi

Welcome to our In Conversation between Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi and Dr Timothy Lynch, lecturer in American politics at Melbourne University. Since being appointed to the Senate in 2006, the Senator…

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