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The claim that same-sex marriage harms children doesn’t stack up against the current evidence. Lopolo/Shutterstock

In families with same-sex parents, the kids are all right

A central argument made against same-sex marriage is that children born into these marriages will be disadvantaged: they will grow up with inappropriate gender role modelling and be bullied at school.
Yes or No to equal marriage rights? Irish voters will have their say on Friday May 22, with the result due on Saturday. EPA/Aidan Crawley

Why Ireland’s marriage referendum could go right down to the wire

While Ireland’s pro-marriage equality campaign is leading in the polls, the gap has narrowed ahead of Friday’s vote. And history shows that Irish referendums can be far closer than the polls predict.
The march towards equal marriage rights in Ireland is well ahead of Australia, yet the level of public support in each nation is remarkably similar. William Murphy/Flickr

The battle for middle Ireland and Australia over marriage equality

Support for equal marriage rights in Ireland and Australia is remarkably similar: 71% in Ireland and 72% in Australia. The key difference is that Australian politicians are choosing not to listen.
Some of the first to take advantage of the new law. Will Oliver

First stats show no stampede down the aisle for same-sex couples

The first statistics on same-sex marriages in England and Wales show a disappointing take-up in the three months since the right to marry was extended to lesbian and gay couples. According to figures released…
Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm will introduce gay marriage legislation into the Senate. AAP/Lukas Coch

Leyonhjelm to use leverage to get gay marriage conscience vote

Liberal Democrats’ senator David Leyonhjelm has threatened to trade his vote on temporary protection visas or other legislation to force the Liberals to allow a conscience vote on gay marriage. In the…
Recent polling suggests a majority of Australians support same-sex marriage, but should the issue be taken to the people in a referendum? AAP/Dean Lewins

Should Australia hold a referendum on gay marriage?

Despite several Galaxy polls indicating that a majority of Australians support same-sex marriage - and it receiving the support of former prime minister Kevin Rudd - recent proposals for a referendum on…
Legalise love: New Zealand approved same-sex legislation in a midst of celebrations. NZN David Williams

Aye do! France and New Zealand respond to same-sex marriage

The issue of same-sex marriage in Australia is again part of the national debate, after Independent MP Tony Windsor announced he was in support of a referendum on the question to be held in parallel with…

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