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Todos os artigos de Gonski

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Bill Shorten sees a fresh opportunity to re-assert Labor as the Gonski saviour. Joel Carrett/ AAP

Labor’s struggle to remain ‘the education party’

Funding is one of the few areas Labor has left to distinguish itself from the Coalition when it comes to school policy at the national level.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten announces a new schools funding policy, which reaffirms Labor’s commitment to the Gonski reforms. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Bill Shorten promises Labor would implement the full Gonski

Bill Shorten is pushing schools funding to the centre of this year’s election battle by committing to fully funding the Gonski blueprint.
The year’s nearly ended, but we’re still not sure how to best fund our universities. from

2015, the year that was: Education

2013 was the year of Gonski; 2014 the year of higher education reform; 2015 has been the year of … hmmm … wait, what actually happened this year? Just a lot of chat really, with much debate, but little…
Education Minister Simon Birmingham. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Politics podcast: Simon Birmingham on education reform

Michelle Grattan speaks with Simon Birmingham about his negotiations for a new higher education package, efforts to crack down on rorting in the vocational educational sector and the government's overhaul of the childcare system.
Education Minister Christopher Pyne has distanced himself from the controversial proposals to withdraw federal funding from public schools, and means-test public school parents. AAP/Glenn Hunt

Leaked school funding proposals: should we be worried?

The leak of four reform proposals for Australian schooling has triggered panic and confusion across the country. But while at first glance the proposals may seem worrying, they need to be put in context.
Cuts to funding in education and research shows a lack of planning for the future. from

The education budget report card: ‘F’ for Fail

You could be forgiven for thinking that education was left largely untouched in Tuesday’s federal budget. But the tinkerings to last year’s education budget still mean a “fail” for education funding.
The 2015 budget has confirmed the Coalition’s “Gonski-lite” school funding model. AAP/Jenny Evans

Education budget can’t shake the Gonski ghost

The budget has dribs and drabs of funds for various school projects, but they pale in comparison to the Gonski money we’re missing out on.
Higher education got the most attention it’s had in decades, thanks to the proposed shake up by this man. AAP

2014, the year that was: Education

While 2013 was all about schools and their funding (remember Gonski, anyone?), 2014 was the year of higher education reform. Or, at least, proposed higher education “reform”. With cuts to higher education…
Gonski’s report on school funding has been backed by a senate committee even though the federal government isn’t backing it. AAP

Senate committee backs Gonski

With very limited media attention, the Australian public could be excused for not even knowing about the Senate Select Committee that handed down its report on equity and excellence in Australian schools…
David Gonski said he still stands by the recommendations in his review, despite them not being accepted by government. AAP

Gonski: Commission of Audit got it wrong on school funding

Chair of the Review of Funding for Schooling David Gonski has spoken out on his role in the controversial funding plan, released in 2011. In a speech to the Australian College of Educators at The University…
Opposition leader Bill Shorten attacked the government’s budget as ‘ideological’, but his own vision in the battle of ideas is far less clear. AAP/Alan Porritt

Shorten’s budget in reply: will it reshape voters’ memories?

Opposition leader Bill Shorten was emphatic in his budget in reply that the Abbott government’s first budget was an “attack” on the Australian way of life. In his speech on the floor of parliament last…
This year saw turbulent times –from childcare centres to universities. AAP Image/Dan Peled

2013, the year that was: Education

For most education watchers, this year has rushed by in a policy blur. So much so that we thought we had better launch our very own shiny Education section just to help you keep on top of things. The launch…
Tony Abbott’s government has lacked the assured certainty the Coalition showed in winning office. AAP/Stefan Postles

What’s going on with the Abbott government?

For every opposition, the prospect of taking office – attaining politics’ ultimate prize, often after years of hard grind – can be relied upon to drown out the little noises of self-doubt and self-criticism…
The Gonski money is back with an extra boost for some states that have signed up. But schools need to look for simpler solutions. AAP

Pyne finds extra Gonski money, but how should it be spent?

During the Cold War, both the Soviets and the Americans were trying to develop a way to write in space. American entrepreneurs spent an unknown sum developing a “space pen”, while the Soviets initially…

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