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Service providers will be given more responsibility when it comes to stopping illegal downloads … but will it be a deterrent? m01229/Flickr

Forced negotiations and industry codes won’t stop illegal downloads

Attorney-General George Brandis and Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced yesterday that they expect internet service providers (ISPs) to work with copyright owners to help police infringement…
Australia has chosen not to rely on market forces for ubiquitous broadband. Kirk Lau/Flickr

The NBN needs Australian action, not a lesson from Canada

A recent piece in The Conversation suggested that for “top broadband policy” the Australian government should look to Canada. Many observers of the development of Canada’s broadband infrastructure would…
Inmarsat has announced expensive new plans to improve in-flight internet over mainland Europe. Thomas Hawk/Flickr

How will Inmarsat bring in-flight internet to Europe?

The UK-based satellite communications company Inmarsat last week announced plans to build a hybrid satellite/cellular (air-to-ground) network to offer in-flight internet connectivity over mainland Europe…
If the deal is sealed, ISPs will no longer be able to dictate which of their customers get faster service – well, in Europe anyway. redCreative~/Flickr

Europe votes for a ‘neutral net’ … but what does that mean?

Yesterday the European Parliament had an historic vote on the issue of “net neutrality”, and became the largest bloc in the world to affirm this open internet principle. This was part of a law on communications…
Even the tallest infrastructure creeks under flood pressure. Derek Harper

What use are apps when your web infrastructure is underwater?

According to Ofcom, 80% of adults in the UK had access to the internet in 2013 and each spent about 35 hours online each month. And half of all adults in the UK access the web using their mobile phones…
But open to all on the same terms? balleyne

Europe can learn from US on how not to do net neutrality

We are entering a time of great uncertainty for internet freedom following two recent events. Both occurred in the US but have repercussions for Europe, where the debate on the future of net neutrality…
Some are more equal than others when it comes to internet access. acroll

Verizon ruling is a major blow to equal internet access

These are wild times for the management and governance of the internet, as is clear from the ruling that came out of the US this week. In a victory for the private sector, the Federal Communications Commission…
Nargono-Karabakh. They’ve got landmarks but no domain name. Blackwych

The politics of getting online in countries that don’t exist

What is the quickest route to international recognition? Aspiring states may try to ally themselves with a great power, lobby national governments, or even try to enlist the support of celebrities, which…

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