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Todos os artigos de Marriage equality

Exibindo 121 - 136 de 136 artigos

The US Supreme Court decision should make conservatives around the world pay attention. Flickr/Guillaume Paumier

Conservatives should embrace same-sex marriage

In the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, decided on 26 June 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled by a 5-4 majority in favour of same-sex marriage. The majority judges have held that state…
Tony Abbott risks having same-sex marriage used against him electorally – just as his Liberal Party once tried to use it against Labor. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Why Australia is so far behind the times on same-sex marriage

As opposition leader Bill Shorten prepares to introduce an amendment on Monday to the Marriage Act to legalise same-sex marriage, why has Australia lagged so far behind?
Bill Shorten will introduce a same-sex marriage bill to the lower house. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Shorten puts pressure on Liberals over same-sex marriage

Bill Shorten is acting to force the Liberals’ hand on gay marriage by giving notice he will move a private member’s bill in the House of Representatives on Monday.
Jubilant scenes from Ireland’s ‘Yes’ cohort after a referendum victory that is echoing around the world. AAP/Aiden Crawley

Irish vote could be a green light for a social revolution worldwide

The impact of Ireland’s affirmative vote on marriage equality is getting attention from all around the world. Will the result create a “social revolution” as some are suggesting?
Yes or No to equal marriage rights? Irish voters will have their say on Friday May 22, with the result due on Saturday. EPA/Aidan Crawley

Why Ireland’s marriage referendum could go right down to the wire

While Ireland’s pro-marriage equality campaign is leading in the polls, the gap has narrowed ahead of Friday’s vote. And history shows that Irish referendums can be far closer than the polls predict.
The institute of marriage can only be made stronger by recognising all marriages. Danielle

An ethical case for marriage equality in Australia

Little progress has been made on debates about marriage equality in Australia – even though a majority of the population is in favour of it. How might ethical frameworks help us better understand the issues?
The march towards equal marriage rights in Ireland is well ahead of Australia, yet the level of public support in each nation is remarkably similar. William Murphy/Flickr

The battle for middle Ireland and Australia over marriage equality

Support for equal marriage rights in Ireland and Australia is remarkably similar: 71% in Ireland and 72% in Australia. The key difference is that Australian politicians are choosing not to listen.
Some of the first to take advantage of the new law. Will Oliver

First stats show no stampede down the aisle for same-sex couples

The first statistics on same-sex marriages in England and Wales show a disappointing take-up in the three months since the right to marry was extended to lesbian and gay couples. According to figures released…
Kevin Rudd rebukes Pastor Matt Prater on the issue of gay marriage. View the segment here.

FactCheck Q&A: are people born gay?

“I do not believe people, when they are born, choose their sexuality. They are gay if they are born gay.” - Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, ABC TV’s Q&A, 2 September. Responding to a question from audience…
Julia Gillard has taken Tony Abbott and the Liberals to task for gender bias, but what about her own stance on gay marriage? AAP/Lukas Coch

As a gay man, I will not be lectured on discrimination by Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard has had a rough few days. More accurately weeks, well, months. Let’s face it, years. And at the centre of so many of her travails has been debate about her gender. She’s been called a witch…

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