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If Arthur Sinodinos couldn’t be across key facts about a company of which he became chairman, how can he and the government credibly argue that someone with no expertise should be their own watchdog? AAP/Daniel Munoz

Grattan on Friday: While Sinodinos is off at ICAC, someone should have a look at his financial advice legislation

Interviewed recently about the government’s plan to roll back key consumer protections in Labor’s financial advice legislation, Arthur Sinodinos said his advice to consumers was to “get more informed…
Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, WA Labor leader Mark McGowan, Federal Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek and Federal Labor MP Alannah MacTiernan in Perth this week. Joe Bullock is conspicuously absent. AAP/Tim Clarke

The “shoppies” rotten borough in WA Labor

Parties keep saying they want to attract better candidates and then continue to throw up some shockers. On the evidence, one such has the top spot on the ALP’s ticket for the West Australian Senate election…
Cory Bernadi has received a slap in the Coalition party room. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott gets a little help from his sister in the family debate

As Liberal MP Ewen Jones walked out of the Coalition parties meeting, Tony Abbott gave him a pat on the back and some praise. “Well said,” the PM told the Queensland backbencher. Jones had just delivered…
Tony Abbott is trying to switch the focus from a Qantas debt guarantee to the repeal of the carbon tax. AAP/Alan Porritt

Grattan on Friday: Qantas not such a special case in Abbott’s eyes

Hardly a week goes by, it seems, when there is not some fresh announcement of job shedding. Qantas’s loss of 5000 is the latest blow. But amid the gloom on Thursday, Tony Abbott optimistically reaffirmed…

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