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Todos os artigos de Mutation

Exibindo 21 - 23 de 23 artigos

Why do scientists care about mutations on the coronavirus? Alexandr Gnezdilov Light Painting

Here’s how scientists are tracking the genetic evolution of COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is constantly mutating. What do these mutations reveal about this virus’s evolution? And will this knowledge help us to develop a long-lasting vaccine?
Researchers have discovered a lineage of yeast species that ignores the laws of cell growth. Alexander Kirch/

An outlaw yeast thrives with genetic chaos – and could provide clues for understanding cancer growth

Yeast isn’t just important for the foods we consume. A rogue lineage of yeast species that evolves faster than any other is revealing secrets that may help illuminate the molecular causes of cancer.

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