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Todos os artigos de Nicky Morgan

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An overdose of self-esteem won’t build character. Pessism concept via Ivalin/Shutterstock

To build children’s character, leave self-esteem out of it

In the last few months the UK’s two main political parties have entered into an apparent bidding war over which of them can elevate the teaching of character highest on their educational agendas before…
Trainee teachers may need a lot of convincing. Stefan Wemuth/PA Wire

Why teachers should be sceptical of a new College of Teaching

Barely one month after the current government was elected in 2010, the secretary of state for education Michael Gove announced the abolition of the General Teaching Council for England. Now, only a few…
Teachers are taking to Twitter. Tweet via svariophoto/Shutterstock

Teachers tweet truth to power, but will the politicians listen?

During the magical month of December 2013 teachers across the UK were given an early Christmas gift from the least expected donor. Twitter buzzed with the news. I first saw it thanks to @teachertoolkit…
Spell it out. Alphabet soup via Brian Mueller/Shutterstock

Teaching to the T-E-S-T: phonics is working for most children

Teaching children to read with phonics has been a central plank of recent “Govian” education policy. A new set of statistics shows that 74% of children in the first year of primary school now meet the…

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