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French Air Force soldiers work on a Boeing C135 parked on the French Air Force base in Niamey, Niger in December, 2017.

Why foreign countries are scrambling to set up bases in Africa

The Horn of Africa is the epicentre of foreign military activity. Foreign troops have been deployed to support peace initiatives, subdue terror groups and support foreign security initiatives.
Kyangwali Refugee Settlement and Reception Centre in Uganda. Jack Taylor/Getty Images

Why Uganda has suspended hundreds of refugee aid agencies

The country has been praised for the humane treatment of its vast refugee population. Now questions arise about how it can continue to do so without without assistance from aid workers.
A campaign poster of John Magufuli of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party who is seeking re-election as president in October. Ericky Boniphace/AFP via Getty Images)

How to hold elections safely and uphold democracy during the COVID-19 pandemic

International observation will not insulate controversial polls – such as Tanzania’s in October – from malpractices, but will make them less likely and allow them to be exposed.
Trucks like this are used to convey inmates to the prison in Lagos State, Nigeria. Over 70 percent of inmates in Nigeria have not appeared in court and haven’t been sentenced. Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images

Waiting for trial can be worse than facing the sentence: a study in Nigerian prisons

The proportion of prisoners awaiting trial in Nigeria is disturbing, and prolonged imprisonment can have a damaging effect on their mental functioning .
Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki (left), Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (right) and Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

Why a proposed Horn of Africa bloc could destabilise the larger region

The proposed cooperation promises to address transnational problems within the three countries but it might alienate the rest of East Africa.
The New Times of Rwanda announces the arrest of Felicien Kabuga in France, on May 16 2020, where he was living under a false identity. Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP

Rwanda: what’s at stake in the trial of Félicien Kabuga

Kabuga’s arrest marks the beginning of a long legal process in which the prosecution faces numerous challenges.

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