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Australians in the 1970s and 1980s were no more or less fond of themselves than Australians of the same age in the 2000s and 2010s.

Aussies don’t always copy the US - unlike Americans, our self-esteem has stayed the same since the 70s

Consider three propositions about how Australians see themselves. Young people today, with their preening selfies and their sense of entitlement, have a higher opinion of themselves than previous generations…
Ricky Gervais has faced a lot of criticism for jokes perceived as offensive. Matt Hobbs/Flickr

What is the point of offensive humour?

You may think a rape joke is harmless but research shows that it can have serious consequences.
A statue celebrating Monty Python’s sketch The Dead Parrot near London’s Tower Bridge ahead of a live show on the TV channel Gold. DAVID HOLT/Flickr

Is there such a thing as a national sense of humour?

There are ways to pin down what a country laughs at – including who they like to make fun of.
Women can experience significant distress in the lead-up to their periods. from

Men can help women deal with their PMS

A new study found a woman’s partner can help decrease PMS symptoms, rather than exacerbating them.
Social psychologists and sociologists have spent decades understanding how values are best assessed. pixabay

Australian values are hardly unique when compared to other cultures

There has been much talk recently about “Australian values”. The new citizenship test will require aspiring Australians to demonstrate they possess them, or can at least reproduce them under exam conditions…
13 Reasons Why is the story of high-school student Hannah, who took her own life and left 13 tapes explaining why. IMDb/Kicked to the Curb Productions, Anonymous Content, July Moon Productions, Paramount Television

Why we shouldn’t ignore what 13 Reasons Why is trying to tell us

While there are some some safety concerns about watching the show, 13 Reasons Why raises many issues relevant to adolescents – and we should learn from them.
The combination of a narcissist’s high but easily undermined self-worth might seem paradoxical. pixabay

Self-esteem among narcissists is ‘puffed up, but shaky’

Like a grotesque mask reflected in a pool, narcissism has two faces, neither of them attractive. Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-worth, seeing themselves as superior beings who are entitled…
Get immersed enough in a good show, and you’ll enter a ‘flow state.’ 'Screen' via

What’s behind TV bingeing’s bad rap?

Don’t listen to the headlines linking binge watching to depression and loneliness. It can be a positive experience – but only if we think of it as a good thing.

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