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Todos os artigos de Racial profiling

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College campuses can be unwelcoming environments for racial minorities. Mr. Doomits/

When race triggers a call to campus police

A longstanding view of minorities as outsiders contributes to negative encounters with campus police. A researcher argues how greater empathy can lessen the urge to call the police in the first place.
A program called Generation Chosen offers marginalized Black youth from Toronto’s Jane and Finch community mentorship, community and the tools of emotional intelligence. (Rhianne Campbell)

Emotional intelligence is life and death where I’m from

Black youth need programs that develop emotional intelligence – to combat institutional racism, social exclusion and white supremacy. The government’s promised $19 million is not enough.
Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is joined by Joe Arpaio at a campaign event. AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

Arpaio pardon could encourage more civil rights violations

Pardoning a man who has illegally used racial profiling to round up Latinos could send a message to law enforcement that aggressive tactics are OK by the president.
About 200 convicted illegal immigrants serving their sentences before being deported, in Phoenix. AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File

Trump’s immigration policies will pick up where Obama’s left off

In his first year of office, Trump’s immigration policy will likely focus not on building an expensive wall, but rather on the work that earned Obama the nickname ‘Deporter in Chief.’
A police officer guards the entrance to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital after a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Stephen Lam/Reuters

America’s police culture has a masculinity problem

A macho culture prevails in police departments in America. The recent killing of Philando Castile serves as one example of the way racial bias and police officer machismo work together.

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