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Todos os artigos de Reddit

Exibindo 41 - 48 de 48 artigos

Reddit is working to ensure the only nude images that appear on its site have the consent of the subject. Lotus Carroll/Flickr

Reddit tackles ‘revenge porn’ and celebrity nudes

Reddit’s new policy to remove unsolicited nude photos is a step in the right direction to prevent celebrity nude photos and revenge porn from appearing on its site.
Caught in the moment, by the camera and the net. Paul Wolfe

Crowdsleuthing: curiosity can be a double-edged sword

Some achieve celebrity, and some have celebrity thrust upon them, to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. This may be how Alex Geutsitskiy and Katie Verkovod feel, a couple from Oregon who were captured…
Clint Eastwood and his empty chair don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative. Lynne Sladky/AP/Press Association Images

All those likes and upvotes are bad news for democracy

Human beings have long been easily influenced by the opinions of others but the social media networks that have come to dominate our lives may be making this “social proof” a problem. A recent study in…

6% of adults online use Reddit

New studies from the Pew Research Centre show 6% of online adults in America use Reddit, with 15% of male internet users…
A battle is raging over search and serendipity online. AndYaDontStop

Is StumbleUpon trumping Facebook in the internet attention wars?

The latest salvo in the internet attention wars has come in the form of figures from StatCounter. A relatively small content driving service called StumbleUpon drove more than 50% of all social media referral…

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