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Todos os artigos de Research

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Denmark’s King Frederik X wipes away a tear as he waves to a crowd of 300,000 people. Martin Meissner/AP Photo

What Americans can learn from Danish masculinity

American men see manhood in opposition to womanhood. Danes, on the other hand, see manhood as not acting immaturely, as a boy would.
Gender-affirming surgeries give transgender people the opportunity to align their bodies with their gender identity. Luke Dray/Getty Images

Transgender regret? Research challenges narratives about gender-affirming surgeries

The findings push back against the notion that many transgender people end up wishing they hadn’t gone through with gender-affirming surgeries.
The experimental methods available today allow us to break the brain down into its elementary components in order to understand its functions and dysfunctions. (Shutterstock)

The Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank: a goldmine for research on brain diseases

Montréal is home to one of the world’s largest brain banks, the Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank, where discoveries about different neurological and psychiatric diseases are made.
Interference in research has serious consequences for scientists and for the laws and policies their research informs. (Shutterstock)

Canadian scientists are still being muzzled, and that risks undermining climate policy

If scientists cannot freely conduct and communicate their work, the gap between evidence and policy widens, and that means Canada gets less effective laws and policies.
Louisa May Alcott took part in a 19th-century literary culture of anonymity and guessing games. Universal Images Group/Getty Images

How I identified a probable pen name of Louisa May Alcott

By disguising her name, Alcott could publish in less prestigious venues without worrying about tarnishing her literary reputation.
Visitors to an exhibit about graduate students’ experiences of online hate, ‘Bearing Witness,’ look at the artwork titled ‘Evincing’ by Shanique Mothersill. (Leticia Marques)

Trolling and doxxing: Graduate students sharing their research online speak out about hate

To inform university responses to online harassment affecting graduate students, artist-researchers created original artworks in response to interviews with their peers who experienced online hate.
Basic research often involves lab work that won’t be appreciated until decades down the line. Sebastian Condrea/Moment via Getty Images

Tenacious curiosity in the lab can lead to a Nobel Prize – mRNA research exemplifies the unpredictable value of basic scientific research

The winners of the 2023 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine made a discovery that helped create the COVID-19 vaccines. They couldn’t have anticipated the tremendous impact of their findings.

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