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Todos os artigos de Science literacy

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Introductory science classes typically require students to memorize facts, rather than teaching them the basis of scientific thinking. Maskot via Getty Images

Improving science literacy means changing science education

College science classes often fall short of helping students see connections across subjects. Can a new approach make a difference?
How can more scientists learn to communicate like Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases? Anna Moneymaker / POOL / AFP via Getty Images

Scientists need to become better communicators, but it’s hard to measure whether training works

Scicomm is a hashtag, and there are many programs that claim to teach scientists how to be better communicators. But it’s hard to show exactly what they’re accomplishing.
Prof. Stephen Meyers and his Geoscience 100 class at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Photo by Ethan Parrish. Author provided

The profound perspective of geoscience can unite students

A science researcher’s work gets twisted by a conservative news site; he considers this his wake-up call to educate as many students as possible about the importance of science to our world.
One of the authors speaking at the 2017 March for Science. Emily Darling

Stand up for science: More researchers now see engagement as a crucial part of their job

Four scientists talk through the ways they now build outreach into their work as a way to spread their research’s impact – something that wasn’t the norm for past generations of academics.
Science is one thread of culture – and entertainment, including graphic books, can reflect that. 'The Dialogues,' by Clifford V. Johnson (MIT Press 2017)

New ways scientists can help put science back into popular culture

You might not think much about science topics as part of your everyday life. But science – like art, music, religion – is part of our culture, and scientists can help it reclaim its rightful place.
Planning a communication strategy isn’t unethical. Have a nice day Photo/

Science communicators must consider short-term objectives while keeping their eyes on the prize

Scientists who engage with the public may have goals about influencing policy or behavior. But they also need to think about the short-term objectives that will help get them there.
The message might not come through if you put all your communication eggs in one theoretical basket. buydeephoto/

Facts versus feelings isn’t the way to think about communicating science

Reports of facts’ death have been greatly exaggerated. Effective communication jettisons the false dilemma in favor of a more holistic view of how people take in new information on contentious topics.
A shot of fake news now and your defenses are raised in the future? funnyangel/

Inoculation theory: Using misinformation to fight misinformation

Does science have an answer to science denial? Just as being vaccinated protects you from a later full-blown infection, a bit of misinformation explained could help ward off other cases down the road.
Will Bill Nye’s new show find a wider audience than Neil deGrasse Tyson’s ‘Cosmos’ did? Vince Bucci/Invision for the Television Academy/AP Images

Can Bill Nye – or any other science show – really save the world?

Popular programming that focuses on science tends to not actually be all that popular. Bringing in new audiences who aren’t already up to speed on science topics is a challenge.
Um, you figured out what by doing which? Woman image via

They won a Nobel for what? Why good science communication counts

Nobel Prize-winning science is almost by definition arcane and complex. While these esoteric fields have their moment in the spotlight, does it matter if the rest of us understand?

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