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Todos os artigos de Scotland Decides 14

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How do you want your democracy? Ray Collins/The Sun/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Scottish vote gives UK a chance to repair itself – but it’s a big job

For years, Westminster politicians justified their neglect of constitutional issues by saying there are no votes in the constitution. In other words, voters are not really that interested in knowing how…
Separating power is not so easy. Owen Humphreys/PA Wire

People must remain engaged in debate over future of Britain

The vote, in the end, was decisive, with the Better Together campaign winning with 55% of ballots cast. As a Glaswegian living in Southampton, I’ve watched from afar, saddened not to be in my home nation…
Now, naw means no. Liz Smith

Scotland Decided: experts react to No vote

In its independence referendum, Scotland voted to remain in the United Kingdom by 55-45%. Our panel looks at what happened, and where it leaves the UK and Scotland. Neil Blain, Professor of Communications…
Hadrian’s Wall hasn’t stood in the way of common British culture, and any future boarders wouldn’t either. davidnewgas/flickr

An independent Scotland may strengthen the cultural identity of Great Britain

If a majority of Scots vote Yes for independence on September 18, it will transform our sense of what it is to be British. Still, that wouldn’t mean an end to the common culture of the island – it may…
Ed just faded away. Andrew Matthews/PA Archive/Press Association Images

How Scottish referendum could push English politics to the right

The difficult-to-predict nature of what a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum would mean is, in part, what makes the possibility so fascinating, so exciting and so scary. It seems, to a large degree, a…
The road to light, camera, action. Bill McKelvie/Shutterstock

An independent Scotland could become a film powerhouse

The current independence referendum presents the film-making community in Scotland with an unprecedented opportunity to develop a film culture befitting a modern nation state. They should seize it without…
Can the genie be put back in the bottle? Andrew Milligan/PA

Scotland Decides ’14: if No wins, what happens next?

Will the heady blend of Westminster love-bombing, ominous corporate warnings and a saltire flag over Downing Street be enough to persuade the Scots to come back into the fold? We have already looked at…

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