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Would technologies like the airplane ever get off the ground without people balancing commitment to their vision with openness to new ideas? HUM Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Intellectual humility is a key ingredient for scientific progress

An intellectually humble person may have strong commitments to various beliefs − but balanced with an openness to the likelihood that others, too, may have valuable insights, ideas and evidence.
Health-care workers in Toronto protest the Canadian truckers convoy last February that was against vaccine mandates. (Shutterstock)

Understanding why people reject science could lead to solutions for rebuilding trust

To communicate scientific findings that are relevant to the public, science communicators need to understand how to overcome attitudes that are anti-science.
He’s calling – but will you answer? Russian Presidential Executive Office

How to avoid accidentally becoming a Russian agent

The Mueller report reveals that some U.S. citizens helped Russian government agents organize real-life events, aiding Russia’s propaganda campaign. Don’t be like them.

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