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Todos os artigos de Tony Abbott

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With Victoria the main obstacle, Frydenberg said: ‘It’s time Daniel Andrews stopped walking both sides of the street and put the interests of Victorians first and the businesses of Victorians first.’ Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull beats Abbott over NEG, now Frydenberg has to win Victoria

Tuesday’s party room mood reflected the sense most Coalition MPs have that to save marginal seats and give the government its best chance of survival, they need to unite behind Turnbull.
Both Abbott and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce have flagged they could cross the floor on the emissions reduction legislation. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Abbott and Turnbull shape up for another round of an old battle

The Coalition party room on Tuesday is set for a high stakes, quite personal battle between Abbott and Turnbull over the NEG, with former and current prime ministers shaping up on Monday.
Abbott played down the importance of the government’s much-vaunted tax cuts in comparison with the implications of energy policy. Daniel Pockett/AAP

Exit Paris climate agreement: Tony Abbott

Delivering the Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture in Melbourne, Abbott said: “Withdrawing from the Paris agreement that is driving the NEG would be the best way to keep prices down and employment up”
Before the Coalition party room meeting Abbott had again publicly left the way open to cross the floor when legislation comes to parliament, assuming Frydenberg gets a deal at the COAG Energy Council in August. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Tony Abbott loses traction in his fight on energy

Malcolm Turnbull and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg had clear Coalition party room support on Tuesday to decisively stare down a fresh sortie by Tony Abbott on the National Energy Guarantee.
Tony Abbott launches Pauline Hanson’s book at Parliament House in Canberra. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Tony Abbott and the revenge of the ‘delcons’

Tony Abbott’s supporters are derided as delusional conservatives, but they have immense political impact and are determined to bring down Malcolm Turnbull.
Abbott is “pollie pedalling” in the Latrobe Valley, making sure he is best placed to exploit Turnbull’s pain over the Newspoll and his difficulty with the energy issue. Luke Ascui/AAP

Government loses 30th consecutive Newspoll, despite slight improvement

The Coalition trails 48-52%, compared with 47-53% a fortnight ago. The Australian reports it is only the second time since April last year that the government has come
Tony Abbott will be cycling through the Latrobe valley when the 30th Newspoll is released on Monday. Lukas Coch/AAP

Grattan on Friday: Coal fires Tony Abbott’s pre-Newspoll play

Many among the public will discount Abbott’s activities as just his usual trouble-making. The noise, however, reinforces the general impression of a fractured government.
When Tim Storer was sworn in he was escorted by the government and opposition Senate leaders. Lukas Coch/AAP

Grattan on Friday: Tim Storer, the $35 billion man

Tim Storer has one hell of a decision to make shortly after the May budget, when the government plans to bring back its legislation to give tax cuts to big business.
Bill Shorten is the longest-serving Labor leader since Kim Beazley in his first stint in office. AAP/Lukas Coch

Mis-red: why Bill Shorten is not a socialist

The reality is that Bill Shorten is, in many ways, a garden-variety centre-left leader.

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