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Todos os artigos de Trust me I'm an expert

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Today we’re asking: what Queensland seats are the ones to watch on election night? How to give Indigenous Australians a true voice in politics? And how can we improve trust in the political system? Shutterstock

The myth of ‘the Queensland voter’, Australia’s trust deficit, and the path to Indigenous recognition

The myth of ‘the Queensland voter’, Australia’s trust deficit, and the path to Indigenous recognition The Conversation122 MB (download)
Today, an election-themed episode about some of the biggest policy questions Australia faces, featuring Indigenous academic lawyer Eddie Synot and political scientist Anne Tiernan.
Mukurtu is a Warumungu word meaning “dilly bag” or a safe keeping place for sacred materials. Nina Maile Gordon/The Conversation CC-NY-BD

Mukurtu: an online dilly bag for keeping Indigenous digital archives safe

Mukurtu: an online dilly bag for keeping Indigenous digital archives safe The Conversation71,5 MB (download)
Mukurtu - Warumungu word meaning 'dilly bag' or a safe keeping place for sacred materials - is an online system helping Indigenous people conserve photos, songs and other digital archives.
It’s a fight for a rapidly vanishing centre, which will make passing bills difficult for whoever wins. Chris Pavlich/Dean Lewins(AAP)

Mark Latham in the upper house? A Coalition minority government? The NSW election is nearly upon us and it’s going to be a wild ride

Mark Latham in the upper house? A Coalition minority government? The NSW election is nearly upon us, and it’s going to be a wild ride
It's worth keeping an eye on the NSW election outcome. It may end up telling us a lot about how global political themes, like the erosion of centrist politics, are playing out here in Australia.
Today, experts reveal the tips and tricks spin doctors use to shape the political messages you’re hearing every day - especially during election campaigns. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: how to spot the work of a political spin doctor this election season

How to spot the work of a political spin doctor this election season The Conversation, CC BY77,6 MB (download)
There’s a small army of spin doctors behind the scenes of an election campaign, finessing every utterance so it fits with the overall strategy. Today's episode is all about the art of political spin.
Ready for all the research-backed tips and tricks for setting a goal and meeting it?

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: What research says about how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions

What research says about how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions The Conversation, CC BY82,9 MB (download)
Today, experts will be sharing with us insights into how to make a change in your life -- big or small -- using evidence from the world of academic research.
You know you’re not supposed to do this – but you do. Shutterstock

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: the science of sleep and the economics of sleeplessness

The science of sleep and the economics of sleeplessness The Conversation, CC BY52,8 MB (download)
Only about one quarter Australians report getting eight or more hours of sleep. And in pre-industrial times, it was seen as normal to wake for a few hours in the middle of the night and chat or work.
What is in these products? And if additives don’t affect your health, would you care? Shutterstock

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Food fraud, the centuries-old problem that won’t go away

Food fraud, the centuries-old problem that won’t go away The Conversation55,8 MB (download)
Dairy farmers used to put sheep brains and chalk in skim milk to make it look frothier and whiter. Coffee, honey and wine have also been past targets of food fraudsters. Can the law ever keep up?
The Bureau of Meteorology’s tropical cyclone outlook is out today. AAP Image/Bureau of Meteorology, Japan Meteorological Agency

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Cyclone season approacheth, but this year there’s a twist

Cyclone season approacheth, but this year there’s a twist The Conversation, CC BY31,4 MB (download)
Australia must come to terms with some fundamental shifts in our weather patterns. This month, Andrew Watkins from the BOM and climate scientist Joelle Gergis explore what's in store.
Could music one day be something we experience through augmented reality, responding to the way we move through the world? Sound supplemented with colours and shapes? Mavis Wong/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: How augmented reality may one day make music a visual, interactive experience

Music The Conversation67,8 MB (download)
Today, we're hearing about a researcher who records birdsong, how tech changes music and why song might help address Indigenous language loss.
The enormous Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey tells the stories of the same group of Australians over the course of their lives. Mavis Wong/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: what the huge HILDA survey reveals about your economic well-being, health and family life

What the huge HILDA survey reveals about your economic well-being, health and family life The Conversation, CC BY53,6 MB (download)
On today's episode, we'll hear what the huge HILDA survey says on Australians' financial literacy, energy use, how many of us are delaying getting a driver's license and how our economy is changing.
Alvaro Mendoza/Unsplash

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: What is sport worth?

The value of sport The Conversation45,1 MB (download)
As we reach the World Cup's halfway point, we're asking: what is sport worth? On today's episode, we explore the money and diplomatic power plays lingering behind the scenes of every big tournament.
After this episode, you’ll be able to explain how quantum mechanics affects everything from the way your jeans are cut to the headphones you use. Cindy Zhi/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: The explainer episode

The explainer episode The Conversation, CC BY67,5 MB (download)
Today on Trust me, I'm An Expert, we're explaining the tricky topics: what is quantum mechanics? What does the research say about lone actor terrorism? And why do people like pimple popping videos?
Pain lets us know when there is something wrong, but sometimes our brains can trick us. Mai Lam/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Trust Me I’m An Expert: The science of pain

Trust Me I’m An Expert: The science of pain The Conversation58,7 MB (download)
Our podcast Trust Me, I'm An Expert, goes beyond the headlines and asks researchers to explain the evidence on issues making news. Today, we're talking pain and what science says about managing it.
There are ways we can stay cool in a heat wave without blasting air con at peak times. AAP Image/TRACEY NEARMY

Trust Me I’m An Expert: Why February is the real danger month for power blackouts

The urban heat island and summertime blackouts The Conversation25,6 MB (download)
Today, we're asking why some of the most disadvantaged parts of our cities cop the worst of a heatwave and how you -- yes, you! -- can do your bit to reduce the risk of a summer time blackout.
A time of change is upon us. How do you balance risk and reward? REUTERS/Laurent Dubrule

Trust Me, I’m an Expert: Risk

Trust Me, I’m an Expert: Risk CC BY45,3 MB (download)
This month, we're talking risk. Three experts give their perspective on how long you might live, how to deal with loneliness – and how to step outside your comfort zone.
Sibling competition may have played a bigger role in human evolution than you thought. Flickr/Dmitry Boyarin

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Competition

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Competition The Conversation, CC BY62,4 MB (download)
Our November episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert is all about competition, including the often fierce rivalry between siblings.
Our first episode of Trust Me, I’m An Expert tackles the debate unfolding as Australia contemplates changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couple to marry. Axel Heimken/dpa

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a lawyer, a biblical scholar and a fact-checker walk into the same-sex marriage debate…

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Episode 1 The Conversation, CC BY-ND81,9 MB (download)
In this episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert, we're wading into the same-sex marriage debate with experts on the Bible and the law, and fact-checking claims that kids do best with a mother and a father.

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