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Articles on Bill Clinton

Displaying 101 - 120 of 134 articles

Donald and Ivanka Trump walk to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Feb. 1, 2017. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Do Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have too much power?

Does Trump’s family have too much sway in the White House? We consider parallels ranging from the Ottoman empire to the Clinton administration.
President Dwight Eisenhower at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Feb. 2, 1956. AP Photo

National Prayer Breakfast: What does its history reveal?

President Trump gave a speech at the Prayer Breakfast that pledged to be “tougher” in international dealings and protect religious liberty. How does it compare with past Presidents?
Donald Trump flanked by two of his children, Ivanka and Donald Jr. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Sultan Donald Trump?

A political scientist looks at the similarities between the new American president and the sultans of the Ottoman Empire. What might the parallels portend for US politics?
What if this was our choice on Election Day? AP Photos/Gary Landers and Paul Sancya

How majority voting betrayed voters again in 2016

In this year’s election, the system of majority voting didn’t allow voters to express their opinions adequately. If they had, the choice would have been between Kasich and Sanders.
Clinton at a campaign stop in Atlanta City Hall in February. REUTERS/Christopher Aluka Berry

A hint of blue? The 2016 presidential election in Georgia

Polls show Trump and Hillary in a dead heat in the Peach State this year. An expert on Southern politics examines the possibility of Georgia turning blue.
A Halloween gathering in Los Angeles for children who live on the street, in shelters or in cars. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

On the 20th anniversary of Bill Clinton’s promise to “end welfare as we know it,” a social work scholar asks why child poverty is still such a problem in the U.S. and what race has to do with it.
A throwback to the Clinton White House? Jeff Christensen and Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

A third term for the Clintons?

Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has revived an old controversy in a new way: presidential third terms. It is, as one historian explains, a controversy as old as the nation itself.

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