Professor Inderjeet Parmar read Sociology at LSE, and Political Sociology at the University of London. His doctorate, from the University of Manchester, was in the fields of political science and international relations. Prior to appointment at City, University of London (2012), he taught at the University of Manchester for 21 years.
He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
He served as Vice Chair, Chair and President of the British International Studies Association.
He served on the Politics and International Studies REF2021 sub-panel; and serves on the ESRC's Peer Review College.
He was Visiting Professor at LSE IDEAS (LSE's foreign policy think tank, 2019-2022), and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford; and visiting reserach fellow at Princeton and Oxford universities.
He is currently associate Dean for Research at City.
He is a columnist at The Wire
He is co-editor of a book series, Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy.
His latest book is Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power (Columbia UP, 2012; 2015; Chinese edition, 2018; Farsi edition, 2020).
His current book project is a critique and reconceptualisation of the Anglo-American-built post-1945 world order, entitled Made by War and Empires of the Mind: a history of the US Foreign policy establishment, from Pearl Harbor to the Wars on Terror.
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences