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Articles on Cyberattacks

Displaying 141 - 160 of 171 articles

It’s a cat and mouse game that could put our online privacy and security at risk. Shutterstock/welcomia

As surveillance gets smart, hackers get smarter

As governments look to new ways to step up surveillance, hackers find new ways to subvert it. Is there a way to end this cat and mouse game, described as a crypto-war?
Inside the U.S. Army’s Cyber Operations Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Army-Cyber/flickr

America is ‘dropping cyberbombs’ – but how do they work?

The country’s actual offensive cyber capabilities remain shrouded in the classified world. But what is public is enough to discuss potential cyber weapons and how they might be used.
Temelin nuclear power plant, Czech Republic. IAEA/Flickr

How to protect nuclear plants from terrorists

Recent terrorist attacks have heightened concerns about the security of nuclear plants. A former top U.S. nuclear regulator says security is weak at many sites worldwide.
Federal computer systems are under near-constant attack from hackers and cyberthieves. Is our information protected well enough? Colin

Why the IRS was just hacked – again – and what the feds can do about it

Federal networks need stronger cybersecurity measures than most organizations, but have not yet gotten the budget or staffing commitments that would protect them properly.
The fingerprints might indicate China, but that’s not so easy to prove. Shutterstock

How we trace the hackers behind a cyber attack

This week’s hack of the Bureau of Meteorology appeared to come from China, but how do we know? The problem is, it’s notoriously difficult to pinpoint the origin of a hack.

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