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Articles on Paris Agreement

Displaying 321 - 340 of 343 articles

Less than a year after the Paris negotiations, the process is gathering pace. AAP Image/NewZulu/Jonathan Raa

The Paris climate deal has come into force – what next for Australia?

Just 11 months after the Paris climate talks, the resulting treaty has come into force. The rapid ratification looks set to heap even more pressure on Australia to come up with a credible climate policy.
Global climate negotiators come to Marrakesh to talk about how to transfer money from rich to poor countries for climate adaptation, among other issues. leungchitak/flickr

Global climate talks move to Marrakesh: Here’s what they need to achieve

Negotiators face a daunting task at the COP22 climate talks in Marrakesh: Build on the momentum of Paris and resolve difficult questions over money for poor countries.
Martial Trezzeni/EPA

IPCC chair Hoesung Lee: we can meet 2°C global warming target if we act fast

Lee: ‘Business will be far from usual in a world of four, five or six degrees of warming.’
The Climate Change Authority’s latest report has divided its membership.

The Climate Change Authority report: a dissenting view

Two members of the Climate Change Authority offer an alternative view on its latest report, arguing that the recommendations are not in line with Australia’s international climate obligations.
A singular focus on divestment from oil and gas companies to counter climate change could be detrimental. Joe Brusky/Flickr

Divestment from fossil fuels should be linked with active engagement

The broad principle of companies, government bodies and universities divesting from oil, gas and coal companies is sound. But its application needs more sophistication.
More than 160 nations will sign the Paris Agreement on its opening day – a record for a United Nations treaty. Aotearoa/Wikimedia Commons

The Paris Agreement signing ceremony at a glance

More than 160 countries are expected to sign the Paris Agreement in New York on April 22. But enough countries will also need to ratify the treaty domestically before it can become international law.
A woman in Burkina Faso collects firewood. Developing nations – and particularly women in these nations – are more vulnerable to climate change, and have less ability to adapt. CIFOR/Flickr

Climate justice and its role in the Paris Agreement

Climate justice is becoming an increasingly important part of climate action.

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