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Articles on Queensland

Displaying 241 - 260 of 402 articles

Annastacia Palaszczuk put her government’s future into doubt when she sacked one of her MPs, Billy Gordon, from the parliamentary party. AAP/Matt Roberts

Billy Gordon’s past shouldn’t end the Queensland government

Sacked Queensland Labor MP Billy Gordon has a legal right to remain in parliament and vote, issue-by-issue, as an independent.
The new Reef 2050 plan is taking the long view on protecting the Great Barrier Reef - but does it have the right vision? Nickj/Wikimedia Commons

Government unveils 2050 Great Barrier Reef plan: experts react

The federal and Queensland governments have unveiled their blueprint for protecting the Great Barrier Reef for future generations. Will the $2 billion plan succeed? Our experts give their verdicts.
If you think someone is experiencing domestic violence, don’t dismiss it, don’t blame the victim and don’t look the other way. Kamira/Shutterstock

What you can do at work to stop the violence in our homes

When Barbara, a 28-year-old mother of two pre-school boys, Josh and Noah, left her violent husband, she never expected to be punished for it at work.
Campbell Newman is keen to be the subject of a memoir – but the University of Queensland Press doesn’t want to publish it. AAP Image/John Pryke

Why on earth would a publisher knock back a politician’s memoir?

The University of Queensland Press caused controversy when it turned down Campbell Newman’s memoir – but why shouldn’t a publisher be entitled to principled refusal?
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (front right) backed by her small ministry team, which gets down to governing this week. Dave Hunt/AAP

History’s lesson for Queensland: a slim majority is enough to be bold

While the 2015 Queensland election was extraordinary, even its most unusual features – a premier dumped, a shock loss for a government, and the revival of a fallen leader – have all happened before.
Not at loggerheads: jobs and the environment can coexist in Queensland’s north. Willem van Aken/CSIRO/Wikimedia Commons

Jobs versus the environment: the debate Queensland can end

Do politicians really have to choose between being pro-development or pro-environment? No, says Allan Dale, and Queensland’s new government has the chance to prove it.
Public pressure to be ‘tough’ on crime can lead governments to neglect some of our deadliest problems, such as family violence. Paul Miller/AAP

If you want to cut crime, you can’t ignore the evidence

Queensland has a new Labor minority government, led by Annastacia Palaszczuk, after the shock defeat of the Liberal National Party. Labor’s pre-election promises were “modest”, leaving many now wondering…
It’s not all blue skies ahead for the Sunshine State’s economy, with declining gross domestic income per capita and higher unemployment than three years ago. Dan Peled/AAP

Queensland’s biggest economic challenge isn’t debt – it’s growth

Queensland has a new Labor minority government, led by Annastacia Palaszczuk, after the shock defeat of the Liberal National Party. Labor’s pre-election promises were “modest”, leaving many now wondering…
Annastacia Palaszczuk says she will ‘restore integrity and accountability’ in Queensland under her new minority Labor government – but can she and her Liberal National opponents work together to achieve that? AAP/John Pryke

Labor’s first test: putting integrity before politics in Queensland

It’s official: Labor is set to lead a minority government in Queensland, with the electoral commission finally declaring the results of the tight election, almost a fortnight after the January 31 poll…
As Queenslanders wait for a clear election result, all eyes will be on Governor Paul de Jersey (centre) and who he calls on to form the next state government. AAP/Dan Peled

Queensland waits: Labor and the LNP’s conflicting claims to power

Labor has claimed Queensland’s caretaker premier, Campbell Newman, must resign “by 6.01pm” tonight, while Liberal National leader Lawrence Springborg has claimed his party has a strong case to remain as…
While Queenslanders watch and wait for a state election result, the quiet business of government continues. Flickr/James Cridland

The Newman government still runs Queensland, so what can it do?

Queenslanders won’t know until at least next week who will lead the next state government, despite Labor winning the crucial support of an independent MP. That means Campbell Newman will remain premier…
Queensland Liberal National MP Fiona Simpson is currently Speaker, but is making a strong pitch to lead her party – and perhaps even be premier. AAP Image/News Ltd Pool, Sarah Marshall

Queensland LNP left without a leader or an economic plan

With the Queensland election result still too close to call, Speaker Fiona Simpson is the first Liberal National MP to put her hand up to lead the party – and she immediately won praise from a crucial…
Queensland Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said on Sunday that she’s ‘optimistic’ of forming a majority government, but it may be days before that’s clear. AAP/Dan Peled

What’s next for Queensland if there’s a hung parliament?

While counting continues in the Queensland election, one possibility is a hung parliament with neither major party holding a majority. Prior to the election, both party leaders indicated that they would…
Queensland Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk celebrates with her family, including father and former state MP Henry (left), and grandmother Beryle Erskine (right) at Labor’s election night party in Brisbane. AAP/John Pryke

Who is Annastacia Palaszczuk, Queensland’s likely next premier?

Two weeks ago, I made a bet that I didn’t dare to think I would collect on: I put A$30 at 7-to-1 odds for a Labor victory in Queensland. I don’t yet know if I’ll get those winnings, but it’s looking increasingly…
Led by Annastacia Palaszczuk, Labor has come back from near annihilation in 2012 to be on the brink of securing a majority in Queensland’s parliament. AAP/John Pryke

Queensland votes: how the numbers are falling for Labor

With 70.6% of the Queensland state election vote counted, the ABC is giving Labor 44 seats to 33 for the Liberal National Party (LNP). Two Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) and one Independent have also…
Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has seen off Queensland Premier Campbell Newman – can she win government too? AAP/Dan Peled

Labor on the brink of a shock election win in Queensland

Queensland appears headed for a hung parliament or even a shock Labor win, with Premier Campbell Newman conceding defeat in his own seat less than three years after leading the Liberal National Party to…
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman is widely tipped to lose his seat in the January 31 election – yet there are ways he could still be premier. AAP/John Pryke

Can Newman still be Queensland premier if he loses his seat?

If the Liberal National Party wins the Queensland election on Saturday, but its leader, Campbell Newman, loses his seat of Ashgrove, can he remain premier? This may be the question vexing minds on Sunday…
Queensland’s debt: is it sky high, or under control? An economist shows what you need to know to judge for yourself. AAP/Dan Peled

The true state of Queensland debt

How much debt is Queensland really in? How much of that debt can past Labor governments bear responsibility for, and has the current Liberal National government cut or added to it? And how does Queensland’s…

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