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Articles on Racism

Displaying 881 - 900 of 1644 articles

The Proud Boys outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/For The Washington Post via Getty Images

There’s a history of white supremacists interpreting government leaders’ words as encouragement

White supremacists’ protests against COVID-19 lockdowns reflect the US history of political leaders encouraging white supremacist groups to challenge or overthrow democratic governments.
A young child stands outside the entrance to a playground in Montréal on May 3, 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues in Canada and around the world. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Returning to ‘normal’ post-coronavirus would be inhumane

The coronavirus feeds off of social and environmental injustice, exacerbating the wounds, scars and illnesses that existed prior to the pandemic. That’s why returning to ‘normal’ is not an option.
Protesters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on April 20 call for the governor to lift restrictions meant to help combat the spread of the coronavirus. AP Photo/Matt Slocum

What are the ‘reopen’ protesters really saying?

A scholar of social participation finds shared themes across protests in many states, not all of which fit common popular or media narratives about the events.
Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam and Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Howard Njoo are reflected in a computer screen showing date on Canada’s COVID-19 situation during a news conference in Ottawa on April 13, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Race-based health data urgently needed during the coronavirus pandemic

Gathering race-based data during the coronavirus pandemic is essential for Indigenous communities, racialized people and those with disabilities and mental health challenges.
Donald Trump at a press briefing with members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force on April 18, 2020 in Washington, DC. Sarah Silbiger/AFP

Donald Trump’s ‘Chinese virus’: the politics of naming

An analysis of the expressions used by Donald Trump to designate Covid-19 sheds light on his political calculations and on the evolution of his relationship with China in recent weeks.
A woman waits for a streetcar in Toronto on April 16, 2020. The many Black people working in essential jobs do not have the luxury of staying home during the pandemic. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Coronavirus discriminates against Black lives through surveillance, policing and the absence of health data

Black lives are further in peril in a time of COVID-19. Subject to death on both the public health and policing fronts, we will not be silent.

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