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Articles on Renewable energy

Displaying 261 - 280 of 1306 articles

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson, left, and Minister of the Environment Steven Guilbeault announce Canada’s new climate plan at a press conference on March 29, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito

The political opportunities and challenges of Canada’s new $9.1B climate plan

Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions decreased by only one per cent between 2005 and 2019. A new climate plan charts the path to deep cuts in carbon emissions in only eight years.
In an effort to reduce the growing problem of food waste disposal, researchers are focusing on developing new green technologies that use food waste to generate clean energy. (Shutterstock)

Here’s how food waste can generate clean energy

Technologies like biomass gasification can help tackle the growing global problem of food waste.
A pilot plant near the Salton Sea in California pairs lithium extraction with geothermal energy production. Michael McKibben

How a few geothermal plants could solve America’s lithium supply crunch and boost the EV battery industry

Lithium is essential for batteries that power electric vehicles and store energy from solar and wind farms. A new U.S. source could provide 10 times more lithium than the country uses today.

To really address climate change, Australia could make 27 times as much electricity and make it renewable

Australia could use about 7,000 terawatt-hours of solar and wind generation per annum to make a sizeable contribution to cutting global emissions – about 27 times its current electricity output.
The war in Ukraine will have major implications for energy and climate change, in Canada and the rest of the world, far into the future. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

How the war in Ukraine will shape Canada’s energy policy — and climate change

New relationships between energy, geopolitical security and climate change policy flowing from the invasion of Ukraine are beginning to emerge, and the implications could be enormous.
A woman holds a blood-stained portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin at a protest at the Russian Consulate in Montreal on Feb. 25, 2022. Andrej Ivanov /AFP via Getty Images

War in Ukraine is changing energy geopolitics

Russian President Vladimir Putin has used his country’s massive energy reserves effectively for political influence. But with war in Ukraine, nations are looking for ways to cut those ties.

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